
Sunday 28 May 2017

Best Herbal Remedy To Improve Sperm Count - Improve The Fertility With Herbal Remedy

Infertility is becoming a very big problem all over the world and, above all, in the industrialized one:

In fact, some researchers say that more than 1 couple upon 6 has this problem and, of these, 1 upon 3 is due to male problems.

The main infertility problems in male are the inadequate sperm production and a low quantity of them.

According to a large number of scientists, the mains causes are: the increase in plastic use, a too much poor or not well balanced diet, the over usage of chemicals product, and the usage of drugs.

So, the first thing that we have to ask to the infertility remedies is to work against the poorness of sperm’s quantity and quality.

Try to pass through a list of the best herbal remedies to improve the sperm count but, also try to see which kind of behaviours and lifestyle we have to follow if we want to avoid or solve this disease.

Starting with what we can eat and drink, we can say that oysters are, surely the best remedy against the male infertility because they contain a very strong amino acide that help the testosterone production (but they are very good even for females, because they help to produce progesterone).

Even the dark chocolate plays an important role in increasing the sexual pleasure.

Good are even the bananas, the coffee and the green tea.

And what about the herbs?

Which is best herbal remedy to improve the sperm count?

According to the Peruvians, it is the maca root.

It seems, indeed that, in more than one case, after given for 12 weeks maca root to the men under examination, they increased seminal volume, sperm count and sperm motility.

Other herbs that we can consider in the list of the best herbal remedies to improve the sperm count are:
  1. Ashwagandha that, according to Indian researchers, is very powerful to increase seminal volume, sperm count and sperm motility too and, not at last, to promote the testosterone production.
  2. Panax Ginseng, even known as Korean ginseng is also used to increase the testosterone level and to work against the male infertility.
  3. Same effects can be done by the tribulus terrestris that Indians consider as an aphrodisiac herb.
  4. Damiana is another useful herb used to increase the sperm count and motility but even to relax the muscles and nerves.
  5. Saw palmetto is instead used for prostate problems but has positive effects invent to increase sperm count and erectile dysfunction.
But even the best herbal remedy to improve the sperm count need to be helped by some lifestyle changes: first of all to reduce the usage of plastic but even:
  • Don’t eat canned foods
  • Don’t use chemicals lubricants or plastic sex toys.
  • Don’t smoke marijuana
  • Check the medications
  • Avoid too much bicycle
  • Don’t abuse of alcohol
Take under control the level of the cholesterol but even the fat because, the obesity is one of the main causes of the male infertility.

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