There is no such cure for diabetes and its condition but when we talk about diabetes treatments then it actually targets the blood sugar level so that it would come to the normal level and along with that the symptoms of the issue are also targeted so that it can be keeps under control. Because untreated or ignored condition may leave you with several severe health issues. In case, you are diabetic then it is must to go for that treatment from diabetic care team so that they would take a look to your condition and tackle with each and every health problem that would affect you.
Insulin Treatment- Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body is not able to make insulin and so in such condition there is requirement of regular insulin treatment so that the level of glucose would remain normal. Actually insulin comes in different preparations and same like that they all work in different way as well. Like, some of them are long lasting and they work for whole day for patient. Whereas some are short lived that works only for around 6-8 hours. There are some diabetes treatments as well that shows their result instantly and the treatment chosen by you depends over your condition.
Insulin Injections- Patients of type 1 diabetes usually required insulin injections. To take the insulin injections will be due to reason so that it would reach the bloodstream and work effectively. Firstly the patients of condition are injected with same. Usually these injections are given by injection pen that is known as auto-injector or insulin pen. In most of the cases, diabetics are requiring to take 2-4 injections in a day.
Insulin Pump Therapy- It is another alternative diabetes treatments to inject insulin in the body. In this treatment a small device known as insulin pump is been put and then that pump is been attached to patient using a long and thin piece of tube having a small needle attached and that needle is inserted in the skin. This is how the insulin enters through that device to the body. Most of the people insert that needle in the stomach but it can also be inserted to the hips, buttocks, thighs or arms. That pump actually allows the insulin so that would simultaneously enter to the body in a way or rate that the body can resist.
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